I'm pleased to announce the 0.2.1 release of emacs-for-python

What is emacs-for-python?

It's a collection of emacs extensions and settings to quickly setup the editor for python development.

Main features included:

  • snippets
  • pymacs
  • ropemacs
  • auto-completion
  • on the fly synntax checking (flymake)
  • auto-pairing

For a complete list and instructions consult the README file: https://github.com/gabrielelanaro/emacs-for-python

I've paid attention to the documentation. Read about using emacs efficiently (tips, workflows, snippets...) in the wiki of the github project page:


What's new in this release:

  • more snippets also for django development
  • snippets behaviour fixed
  • new version of pymacs
  • a better packaging script




Contacts and Links:





Visualizza commenti

  1. Thank you for releasing this. Getting python support working in emacs is very painful.

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